
What is it You Believe In?

He died in the early days of the War of Power.
Only to be reborn in Bot form.
A body of steel and a heart of lightining.
He roams.
The unrighteous have no asslylum from his wrath.
The woman who streams.
The child who cries.
Have they not need of a protector as well?
Do they not need a Champion?
Born in the sorrowfull flains of gorgoroth,
Kaniecki was born.
Grown to be a great warrior,
and slain in battle.
In Good's time of most need,
DeMarr, famed biologist of the second age created
a frame of Power wrought steel and iron,
and the creator sent a breath of life into it,
That spirit was known as Kaniecki:
But now he is known only as,
Darkness's Bain:
KPax Vulcon Series
the Warrior Bot.


At 11:27 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Welcome oneand all to what is to be the end of our times. Sit with me a while by the fire as I tell you of our last salvation, our last hope . . . KPax: Vulcon Series.


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