
KPax: Legacy Unbound

Legacy Unbound

I write now, knowing each word cements my death more than the one before. Can not a man still live through his body of work, when his body is dead. I should think what I do sufficient to justify my life or the life of any man. And so I now I give my life to complete my life's work.

As I write today, I make my last and only contribution to the Chronicles of The Truth. As the 147th Keeper of the Chronicles it is my privilege, my duty to record the history of our world, my record cannot be changed however the empire and its agents may loath it, for they are casualties of their own tyranny. Furthermore my record by dogma must be read and remembered by all who live today.

As the only living member of the Fraternity of Keepers I can say I was there when the first edifice was erected, I saw Caesar reign, I heard Mozart's sweet sounds, I knew when our race found we are not alone in this universe, and I saw Him. 23 weeks ago today I saw Him, and I feared Him, and I did not know then what I do know now: I love Him. 23 weeks ago today I saw Him, exactly 6 months before His decommission. At the Imperial Citadel, in a dungeon of blackness I saw where the Agents restrain KPax Vulcon Series: The Warrior Bot.

He is, this is not opinion, the greatest achievement in Mankind's history. I know this to be true, for I am a Keeper of The Chronicles and cannot lie. I have been trained since birth to record any event or person fit to be placed into the History, and in History it will remain forever. I cannot lie, and KPax: Vulcon Series is creation’s greatest pinnacle.

You do not know this, as the 146 other Keepers saw fit to exclude him, but not I. I will not let He that saved us perish without recognition. Do not worry, here as I write, while the Battle rages so loud around me, I will give the full account of the Bot War, and the role of the Vulcon Series. He saved human kind, He defeated the Minions of Lord Minstrelus, He slew Androidian v. 2.5, and now He is to be destroyed by the very empire he forged.

When my account is completed and my imminent death is realized, there are those who will say “Why would one give his own life for that which we now consider the basest of creation: a Robot?” To this I would say as I say now to you: I have seen Him.

I have access to all things in the realm, including the Archives of the Citadel. The Agents brought me there to see His splendor, and I did. And what did I Behold? He is like God. A Knight of shining armor, a star in darkness, I had to look away. A mountain of power wrought steel and iron. Unbreakable.I looked into His eyes: Undefinable. Unable to break free of the prision of His own will, He is confined. Even now, as the Agents invade this very building, slaying those that have come to help me write this now, KPax:Vulcon Series is only a prisoner in name, for never has one confined looked so free. So you ask why I give my life that all may know His story? When I beheld His glory he turned to me, I asked what he was,(even then I did not know), he said, "I AM KPAX: VULCON SERIES – THE WARRIOR BOT.”

When I calmed, I asked why he was here, he said, "I AM KEPT HERE BECAUSE OF WHAT I AM.” I then asked what it is that he does, and in a voice of unimaginable power and depth, he said, "I AM KPAX: VULCON SERIES: THE WARRIOR BOT. I BELIEVE IN THE HEART THAT HOPES FOR PEACE. I FIGHT SO THE INNOCENT WILL NOT KNOW THE SORROW OF WAR."

In that moment I knew it to be true. I took His leave and went to the Archives of the Elder Days. I memorized the entire history of the Bot War, and of his inception and creation by DeMarr famed Chromeologist of the elder days. The empire has tried to kill me. I can only hope that my legions can hold the Agents long enough so that I may tell the tale.

I give you now: The Full History of KPax Vulcon Series: The Warrior Bot...


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