
KPax: Vulcon Series: Krypton Salvation - Part I

the Ice Fortress of Cleveland, Sanctuary of deMarr

Before the fellowship could make due on their quest for the Worm, the held audience with DeMarr in his sanctuary of Cleveland.
“Stop here, my young kibbles, and take these crafts so that you might hold fast and safe on your journey ahead.”
“Young Gleek” DeMarr said as he wiped tears from the face of the Boy Clown”To you I present this starch cap of the Arnoirs. Wear it, and you shall become invisible from the waist downwards.”
And so Gleek adorned his gift, and lo did it appear as a ghastly torso appeared before them, primed to stalk about on its arms or a railing.
When at last the laughter subsided, DeMarr turned to the Baron squires, Ugg and Narb and said, “Truly you are but two of the sprightliest purveyors of mischief I have yet seen from my many offices in the clouds.” deMarr said, to the confusion of all “But I know that there exists between you a bond as strong as the strongest rope: the bond of Brotherhood”
Ugg and Narb looked at each other with a gaze that only few might hope to escape from, yet for them, it was exhilarating.
“And so, feisty brothers, I present to you the very thing that is as strong as your cordial bond – the strongest rope in all creation.”
With that, the Imiador brought forth a bronzed rope that looked as though it were likely the strongest in all the land. They did not call DeMarr the Wisest of Sages for nothing!

“When both of you have tied this about your brawny torsos, it will only break if encountering a force as strong as your brotherhood, or it. Be warned, however, that the strength of this ligature may stay only as strong as the strength of your brotherhood –“ The Biologist warned “Stray from each other, and this mighty cord will tie not but a pile of mattresses.”

The Great DeMarr had more news for the intrepid five.
“As you begin on this great journey to restore the silks of Azural for young and old, you will find many hardships along the way.”
With this, DeMarr rose from his bed and put on a robe.
“First among your many quests should be a sojurn to the northern borders of our land. It is there that the militia of Azural has become ensconced in a great battle with a viscous race known as the MadMen --- a bigoted clan who wish only to implement their cybernetic ways on the good people of the Northern lands.”
They followed his every movement as he now lowered himself into his legendary herb bath.
“For many winters have the brave forces of Azural held back against these thoughtless bearded marauders, but they have a strength coming to bear which I fear may be our undoing.”
As if he sensed what he must do, Gleek took up the ancient scrub brush near the cusp of the bath, and started about the necessary work. DeMarr, undemurred, continued
“Our commander in that region is one who has fought alongside us in many battles, yet even now, his judgment grows clouded. Save us this day, and you will know from whence to resume your quest.”
As DeMarr began to dote himself with the legacy cloth, our heroes knew their audience wit the Imiador had ended. Slowly did they climb into the cargo hold of KPax: Vulcon Series, and, as the Warrior Bot prepared to engage his jet thrusters, DeMarr spoke once more:
“Wait! Even you, Great Bot Prince, will need an aid on your journey.”
And with that, DeMarr glided forward, and gave The Vulcon Bot something of a power that his circuits had not yet known: a kiss.
“Take that, my son, and go with its glory when the hour calls.”
And lo the Bot could dream.
Taking this grace in tow,DeMarr watched as KPax: Vulcon Series: The Warrior Bot lifted into the air, and went in defence of the people of Azural once
more. . .


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