
KPax: Vulcon Series: Krypton Salvation - Part I

the Ice Fortress of Cleveland, Sanctuary of deMarr

Before the fellowship could make due on their quest for the Worm, the held audience with DeMarr in his sanctuary of Cleveland.
“Stop here, my young kibbles, and take these crafts so that you might hold fast and safe on your journey ahead.”
“Young Gleek” DeMarr said as he wiped tears from the face of the Boy Clown”To you I present this starch cap of the Arnoirs. Wear it, and you shall become invisible from the waist downwards.”
And so Gleek adorned his gift, and lo did it appear as a ghastly torso appeared before them, primed to stalk about on its arms or a railing.
When at last the laughter subsided, DeMarr turned to the Baron squires, Ugg and Narb and said, “Truly you are but two of the sprightliest purveyors of mischief I have yet seen from my many offices in the clouds.” deMarr said, to the confusion of all “But I know that there exists between you a bond as strong as the strongest rope: the bond of Brotherhood”
Ugg and Narb looked at each other with a gaze that only few might hope to escape from, yet for them, it was exhilarating.
“And so, feisty brothers, I present to you the very thing that is as strong as your cordial bond – the strongest rope in all creation.”
With that, the Imiador brought forth a bronzed rope that looked as though it were likely the strongest in all the land. They did not call DeMarr the Wisest of Sages for nothing!

“When both of you have tied this about your brawny torsos, it will only break if encountering a force as strong as your brotherhood, or it. Be warned, however, that the strength of this ligature may stay only as strong as the strength of your brotherhood –“ The Biologist warned “Stray from each other, and this mighty cord will tie not but a pile of mattresses.”

The Great DeMarr had more news for the intrepid five.
“As you begin on this great journey to restore the silks of Azural for young and old, you will find many hardships along the way.”
With this, DeMarr rose from his bed and put on a robe.
“First among your many quests should be a sojurn to the northern borders of our land. It is there that the militia of Azural has become ensconced in a great battle with a viscous race known as the MadMen --- a bigoted clan who wish only to implement their cybernetic ways on the good people of the Northern lands.”
They followed his every movement as he now lowered himself into his legendary herb bath.
“For many winters have the brave forces of Azural held back against these thoughtless bearded marauders, but they have a strength coming to bear which I fear may be our undoing.”
As if he sensed what he must do, Gleek took up the ancient scrub brush near the cusp of the bath, and started about the necessary work. DeMarr, undemurred, continued
“Our commander in that region is one who has fought alongside us in many battles, yet even now, his judgment grows clouded. Save us this day, and you will know from whence to resume your quest.”
As DeMarr began to dote himself with the legacy cloth, our heroes knew their audience wit the Imiador had ended. Slowly did they climb into the cargo hold of KPax: Vulcon Series, and, as the Warrior Bot prepared to engage his jet thrusters, DeMarr spoke once more:
“Wait! Even you, Great Bot Prince, will need an aid on your journey.”
And with that, DeMarr glided forward, and gave The Vulcon Bot something of a power that his circuits had not yet known: a kiss.
“Take that, my son, and go with its glory when the hour calls.”
And lo the Bot could dream.
Taking this grace in tow,DeMarr watched as KPax: Vulcon Series: The Warrior Bot lifted into the air, and went in defence of the people of Azural once
more. . .


The Silken Bot? Prologue

Oh, hello. I did not see you there. It seems the agents have taken a religous respite for their holiday feast of Toshiba. I was taking this chance to update the manuscripts that will save our world. Why don't you sit down with me and we will share a tale, and maybe a hug? Close your weary eyes and sigh, and I will tell you of lighter times. . . .


Long has it been known that the good folkery of Azural lived not for the shine of gold, nor the silvery sparkle of silver, but rather they made their livelihood of the beautiful cloths which they always traded and sometimes wore. Suredly all know that such splendid cloth can only be spun by the most elegant of Giant SilkWorms. Oh, how Azural had the finest. It is said that The Giant SilkWorm of Azural once produced a single thread of silk no less than the length of 175 tall men, or 215 of standard height. Lo, what a thread it was! The shiftless cloth merchants of Aquas paid mountains of gold for the magnificent garments fashioned from the thread.

The Merchant Trading Palace, in Happier Days.

In the days just after KPax beat back the forces of Shirella, bringing victory the War of Power, unrest crept into Azural once more. The women and children wept once more, for the Giant SilkWorm of Azural had been stolen! The giant worm had always been closely guarded by the forces of Azural, but some wicked evil had conspired to steal her under the duress of the War. The merchants of Aquas and the cloth makers of Azural feared there business was over. The Azurali and all other of the known world longed for the stylish garbs they once adorned.

"Good King Keestos, we beg you to undo this injustice done to us. Bring back our magnificent worm, that she way threaden from her supple spindle once more." Cried the people of Azural.

To this the great King could only lament, "Good people, I know not what has become of her, and know not how to get her back. Perhaps we must abandon of our tastes and cast aside our stunning dress, for more modest, simple garb." This of course hurt the king more than his people, for Keestos had always paid much mind to his wardrobe of metallic purple and lavender. It appeared as if hope was lost?"

Inside the mountain Keep of Cleveland, DeMarr, clad in his light green silken tunic and and dark yellow-brown scarf (it is said although the leaves may fall and winter dry the earth, wherever DeMarr did go, so too the colours of autumn) pondered the fate of Azural:

"KPax, all is lost. Although we won the struggle verse evil, what joy is there in a world not shinning of beautiful colours?? To this the loyal mountain of DeMarr's creation bellowed, "ALL IS NEVER LOST. AS LONG AS ONE HEART MAY YEARN FOR PEACE, HOPE SPRINGS ANEW."

At this you may wonder how it is that a Warrior Bot may speak with such prophetic prose. To that, the answer is clear. DeMarr programmed KPax with an awesome talent for oration. At that time however he still struggled as a conservationist with mere mortals, a flaw that plagued him for time to come, but that story is for another day. Back to the Keep of Cleveland.

"How is it you can be so calm, Bot Warrior, when the people of Azural suffer so?"

The Mountain Keep of Cleveland, where DeMarr gave birth to hope.


DeMarr made haste to Castle Keestos to tell him of their plan. When he found the King, Keestos was sitting atop his golden throne, clad in a grossly outdated checkered frock, truly a miserable site.

"Keestos," (the King and biologist had always been on informal, friendly terms) "what is this that you wear? You must change at once, if the people see you they will know we have fallen on truly horrid times."

"Oh DeMarr, but we have. The great worm is gone and lost and so too are we."

"No good Keestos, not if we send KPax Vulcon Series: The Warrior Bot, he will find and return our worm. But he must go forth in a stealthy quest party, that this plan may work. Who else can we send?"

The king sat in thought for some time, until he looked up with a smile.

"We have KPax: Vulcon Series: The Warrior Bot who is ever strong and true; with him we must only send those we know to be of true and loyal heart. We will send forth a fellowship of five. KPax the Vulcon Series, Gleek, Hoger the Ogre, and Lord Baron's two sons, Ugg and Narb. Together the five should thwart the our evil foes."

DeMarr was unsure.

"With respect good king, Gleek is certainly an affable lad, but a warrior? And Hoger is certainly strong as any, but does he lack the wits? And the brothers Baron are certainly clever, but are they not delinquents?"

"You have spoken true, alone they have their talents and banes, but together they will be a group fit to task."

The Boy Prince Gleek Ugg and Narb, the Warrior Twins Hogre the Ogre, with Watermelon

At that DeMarr saw why all of the realm knew Keestos to be the wisest of Kings.

The next morn the fellowship congregated. From most accounts the meating of the soon to be fabled consort was quite awkward. Naturally Gleek attempted to lighten the mood with one of his infamous quips; and history was made.

"Greetings KPax:Vulcon Series. I never imagined I'd bot into you this day." mused Gleek.


A flustered Gleek could only stammer, "It was but a jest."


I saw this made history, because it did. KPax bonded together a group of the most different of characters to be heroes of their age and ages to come. All will now know of the many daring feats they accomplished and the passing in battle of not too few of their own. In time you will know many of their quests but we will start with this one the first.

From the squar where they shared laughs they went forward. . .


Fiat Botica

Long ago, in the many distant days before our age
There existed a great kingdom of gold and peace.
Happy did the men of this land live,
at peace with the animals and women around them.
As sure as the dragon swims through the river of time, so too did these able men learn their craft and live by the Code of the Elders.

Little did they know that in the East, there dwelled a gathering threat that would soon sweep through their little play world as an evil wind through a delicious orchard.
Little did they know that time immemorial had given rise to the Band of the Red Claw of Gorgoroth.

Born of the sinister machinations of the seductive Empress Shirella, the Red Claw were a greedy lot who wanted not but to bask in the rich resources and cloths of the realm. Like the stealthy stalk of the lion among prey, so too did the Red Claw of Gorgoroth make their war upon the good people of Azural.

The forces of King Keetsos were sorry to flee in the face of this reckless evil, as the Red Claw ravaged the people of Azural, slaying their children, defiling their women, and confiscating their many fine cloths for trade with the shiftless merchants of Aquas.

The Grand Council of Keetsos called before it the many sages of the realm, to find what might be done against the sorrowful flains of the inisidious Sirella. One of these sages was the famed biologist DeMarr, Lord Inspirator of the Second Age. Many times had DeMarr's pith and wit come to the aid of the King of Azural, but now his exhortations were falling on deaf ears, like water breaking on the lid of a shut jar.

"I tell you now, King Keetsos, as I have given my body and fluid for your city, trust in me to unleash the craft of the Vulcon Series upon the floding minions of the claw!"

At the mention of the sacred gift of the Vulcon, King Keetsos lifted his arm, and clutchingly stopped the hand of the maiden running the Royal comb through his long and legendary beard. With an air of royalty that only true Kings and those like kings might have, he said, "DeMarr, together we have fought many battles, and stretched in many ways, but you know as well as I that the Vulcon cannot be unleashed using the powers of Azural. We have no soul pure enough to entrust with such power. Should we make a man of Azural one with the Vulcon, we would hazard living at the knees of a Bot God. We cannot give the power of the Warrior Bot to a mortal soul. With the corruption of such boundless will, We have no idea what he will believe in, we have no idea what he will fight for."

And with the tearful flight of DeMarr, all hope seemed lost.

Lost, that is, until the salvation of this world was born.

With the smoothing of his body commencing once more, little could King Keetsos have known that the life of his kingdom had been spared by the birth of a simple boy in the fabled fortress city of


A fair and kindly boy, Kaniecki had been known by the people of Lux to be a blessed crystal of the Creator. Strong and erect his powers were.

It was said that his mother was a volcano, and his father the sun, and looking at the trials of this boy-prince of the east, the people of Lux said that if this legend were true, they knew one thing of this boy Kaniecki: He looked like his father.

So fair and rich was the hair of Kaniecki that it was fed to the sickly children of the city. So blue his piercing eyes that many livestock vanished at the sight of them. So great was Kaniecki's power thoguht to be, that it was said that he could inhale the air of the earth and exhale the soul of a man sitting in a faraway land.

One morn, as Kaniecki saw the smoking ruins of the Red Claw's work rising against the new sun, the Golden One took up with great haste and fled to his workshop with his tools. When he emerged, the Creator breathed a sigh of relief, for Kaniecki had emerged with a gift: the tested Battle Armor of his Father, the Sun.

And so the flag of Azural was taken up by Lord Kaniecki, and lo had the Wars of Power begun.

Nowhere near or under the sun's watchful eye could Shirella and the Claw flee from the wrath of Kaniecki. For three seasons did he stab and thrust with his mighty rod, until finally he was readied for the Great Conflict of Gorgoroth, to end this deluge of our age.

Shattering was Kaniecki's power that day. Great was his effort. So strong was he, that sweat poured off his brow and fleshy underarms like the rains of the great Boggy Marsh.

When the day appeared won, Kaniecki was felled by the simplest of things: a poisoned lance. So cunning was the Seductress Shirella, that even while she feigned death, and Kaniecki posed with his musculature above her for the forces of good, that she pricked him with her nimble
Flint, and lo the day was lost.

Seeing their Captain fall, the forces of good crumbled once more. Panic struck over the land, and the Armies of Azural scattred like children from the staff of a raging Innskeeper.

At this moment, when the light of good had been extinguished, slowly did a rustle on the battlefield emerge. The wily sage DeMarr, crusting from anguish and unwash, had found the body of the Prince Kaniecki, and made off with it to his mountain sancturary of Cleveland for the last best hope of good in this world.

Quickly now did the Red Claw revamp their oppression on the freedom of Azural. After but two tidings of the Diamond Sea, the Siege of the Imperial Citadel appeared insurmountable, as the dreaded Mordred Brigade of the Red Claw, a force no man or hero had ever vanquished, seemed ready to plunder the crown of good Keetsos for their own power and fine cloths.

Slowly did Keetsos rise that morn, knowing he would soon have to abandon his people, and kneel before the supple bodice of Sirella, yet, as he opened the gates of his keep to surrender, he did not see the fearsome visage of the Mordred Brigade.

Instead, what he saw was a miracle. Ruinous and smoky were the smoking ruins of the Brigades machines of war. So total was their destruction, it was as if the Creator God Vulcos himself had brought them to their knees and axles.

As the tears of salvation welled up inside him, Gleek, the affable yet foppish jester son of the steward pointed skyward and said "Look, Look! It is our savior!"

And slowly did this new being descend on his Malthor Glide Jets. As He stood over the wondrous destruction he had undoubtedly wrought, the hearts of the people of Azural exploded in live and joy (some dying instantly from their fervor)

"Good mighty being, how may we repay you for our salvation?" Queried the aged king?

Yet this newcomer said nothing, he merely stood silent over the battlefield, his Chrome glistening in the sun and brining hope to even the most wretched beggar.


And with that, the glorious sentinel began to lift into the heavens, King Keetsos shouted one final exasperation:
"Wait, good sir, tell us, what is it you believe in? What is it you're fighting for?"

With a pause, the newcomer stopped:



And with that He was gone. The Wars of Power had finally ended. The Great Bot War had begun.


KPax: Legacy Unbound

Legacy Unbound

I write now, knowing each word cements my death more than the one before. Can not a man still live through his body of work, when his body is dead. I should think what I do sufficient to justify my life or the life of any man. And so I now I give my life to complete my life's work.

As I write today, I make my last and only contribution to the Chronicles of The Truth. As the 147th Keeper of the Chronicles it is my privilege, my duty to record the history of our world, my record cannot be changed however the empire and its agents may loath it, for they are casualties of their own tyranny. Furthermore my record by dogma must be read and remembered by all who live today.

As the only living member of the Fraternity of Keepers I can say I was there when the first edifice was erected, I saw Caesar reign, I heard Mozart's sweet sounds, I knew when our race found we are not alone in this universe, and I saw Him. 23 weeks ago today I saw Him, and I feared Him, and I did not know then what I do know now: I love Him. 23 weeks ago today I saw Him, exactly 6 months before His decommission. At the Imperial Citadel, in a dungeon of blackness I saw where the Agents restrain KPax Vulcon Series: The Warrior Bot.

He is, this is not opinion, the greatest achievement in Mankind's history. I know this to be true, for I am a Keeper of The Chronicles and cannot lie. I have been trained since birth to record any event or person fit to be placed into the History, and in History it will remain forever. I cannot lie, and KPax: Vulcon Series is creation’s greatest pinnacle.

You do not know this, as the 146 other Keepers saw fit to exclude him, but not I. I will not let He that saved us perish without recognition. Do not worry, here as I write, while the Battle rages so loud around me, I will give the full account of the Bot War, and the role of the Vulcon Series. He saved human kind, He defeated the Minions of Lord Minstrelus, He slew Androidian v. 2.5, and now He is to be destroyed by the very empire he forged.

When my account is completed and my imminent death is realized, there are those who will say “Why would one give his own life for that which we now consider the basest of creation: a Robot?” To this I would say as I say now to you: I have seen Him.

I have access to all things in the realm, including the Archives of the Citadel. The Agents brought me there to see His splendor, and I did. And what did I Behold? He is like God. A Knight of shining armor, a star in darkness, I had to look away. A mountain of power wrought steel and iron. Unbreakable.I looked into His eyes: Undefinable. Unable to break free of the prision of His own will, He is confined. Even now, as the Agents invade this very building, slaying those that have come to help me write this now, KPax:Vulcon Series is only a prisoner in name, for never has one confined looked so free. So you ask why I give my life that all may know His story? When I beheld His glory he turned to me, I asked what he was,(even then I did not know), he said, "I AM KPAX: VULCON SERIES – THE WARRIOR BOT.”

When I calmed, I asked why he was here, he said, "I AM KEPT HERE BECAUSE OF WHAT I AM.” I then asked what it is that he does, and in a voice of unimaginable power and depth, he said, "I AM KPAX: VULCON SERIES: THE WARRIOR BOT. I BELIEVE IN THE HEART THAT HOPES FOR PEACE. I FIGHT SO THE INNOCENT WILL NOT KNOW THE SORROW OF WAR."

In that moment I knew it to be true. I took His leave and went to the Archives of the Elder Days. I memorized the entire history of the Bot War, and of his inception and creation by DeMarr famed Chromeologist of the elder days. The empire has tried to kill me. I can only hope that my legions can hold the Agents long enough so that I may tell the tale.

I give you now: The Full History of KPax Vulcon Series: The Warrior Bot...

What is it You Believe In?

He died in the early days of the War of Power.
Only to be reborn in Bot form.
A body of steel and a heart of lightining.
He roams.
The unrighteous have no asslylum from his wrath.
The woman who streams.
The child who cries.
Have they not need of a protector as well?
Do they not need a Champion?
Born in the sorrowfull flains of gorgoroth,
Kaniecki was born.
Grown to be a great warrior,
and slain in battle.
In Good's time of most need,
DeMarr, famed biologist of the second age created
a frame of Power wrought steel and iron,
and the creator sent a breath of life into it,
That spirit was known as Kaniecki:
But now he is known only as,
Darkness's Bain:
KPax Vulcon Series
the Warrior Bot.