
KPaxL The Golden Heart

Long had the cannons fallen silent across the land. Androidians near and far had come to know justice at the hands of that champion of justice, that God of peace and master of war, KPax: Vulcon Series: the Warrior Bot.

Little did this stalwart of hope know that, though his nemesis had been vanquished, he had yet to face his greatest foe. Not the heir of Keestos, nor the dark son of the gentle deMarr, but a simple creation from the Eastern Shores,a maiden that would teach him not but happiness and sorrow,joy and ache.

Loriluna was a beatiful piece of the Celeron race. Long and straight did her golden hair flow, and longer still were the magnificent gowns she sometimes wore.It was when the Warrior Bot was to receive a medal of praise from her father,the King, that they first met eyes. Thier gazes locked, and the optical scanners of KPax searched his memory banks,but returned with a reading that had not been programmed by DeMar: Beauty. Long and fast did they love each other, at first in secret, but then the pair could no longer hide themselves from the world. When KPax asked the King for his daughter's hand, he was met with shock and remorse. "What is this?" the cruel world said "Woman and Bot shall not be together!" and so it was forbidden.

This was not to stop their love, strong as the wind though it was. Shirking he his duty, and she her throne, the two fled away to the Secret Isles,to live a life as Bot and wife, and to raise up a family of young cyborgs around them. The Androidians, hearing of this, regained their strength, and many mothers wept for the slain sons of the realm. "Why has this evil gone unchecked?" cried the masses "Why were we so foolish toturn away the noble soul of the Vulcon Series?"and so waste was laid to the many kingdoms of the land, Celeron most among them. Secluded on the secret aisle, KPax and Loriluna had enjoyed their life together,until Loriluna felt a disturbance in her father's aura: Death had come to Celeron.

It was then that KPax knew what he must do. Leaving his wife and their youthful borgs, KPax sped off to defend freedom once more. It was a long battle, hard and vainglorious, but that is a story for another day. In the end, the Androidians were sent back to their Cesspool of ruin once more. Having saved the forces of good once more, the peolple asked KPax to be their king."You are our saint and protector." they cheered. "Rule us, and we will give you riches beyond all your greatest desires." And then, from the depths, the voice of the Bot bellowed for the first time."I DO NOT WANT YOUR RICHES, NOR YOUR FEASTS, FOR I CANNOT EAT. AND AS FOR YOUR BOT MATRICES" he bellowed "THERE IS ONLY ONE, MY HEART BELONGS TO ANOTHER" and with this, the people fell silent, for they now knew their robotic protector had found a heart. Soon, KPax departed once more for the Secret Isle, and when he returned, hefound the body of Loriluna, lifeless and downtrodden, the sinister work of the Androidians.

The heart that hoped for peace had truly been brought to many pieces, and the Vulcon sought out the only man who could repair it: DeMar. But the repatched will never equal the original whole. It cannot be replaced, but with a rage that will bring new ruin to the androidian hordes. Fire and bolts will rain down on their cities like a torrent of blood and rain. But as the sun set, each man and child went to their dreams last night in a changed world. In his efforts, the great Vulcon had lost his wife, and destroyed their borgs in sorrow, but he had done something that will foreverring through the age:

He had shown the world that, yes, a Bot can love.